Why work in Private Equity?
Pourquoi travailler en Private Equity ? Intérêt, salaire, diversité des missions et formation pour réussir en Private Equity.
Pourquoi travailler en Private Equity ? Intérêt, salaire, diversité des missions et formation pour réussir en Private Equity.
How to structure your job search in Private Equity? Where to look for an internship or permanent position in PE and Venture Capital?
How to find a job in Private Equity or Venture Capital? Read More »
What is Private Equity? Private Equity is an investment model that originated in the United States after World War II and later spread to the United Kingdom and France in the 1970s. Unlike public equity, which involves buying shares in publicly traded companies, private equity involves purchasing shares of private, unlisted companies. The investment fund
How to break into private equity when you come from a non-target school? Breaking into the private equity industry can be challenging, especially for those who did not attend a top business school. However, the sector has become more accessible over the years due to an increase in liquidity and emerging players. Historical funds have
How to break into Private Equity when you come from a non-target school? Read More »
A private equity recruitment specialist shares his advice for succeeding in screenings and joining a private equity fund.
Tips from a Private Equity headhunter for successful screenings Read More »
Why might a Private Equity fund be interested in an IPO? Investment funds are generally human-sized structures with small teams. However, alongside a majority of small players, there are some private equity behemoths. Among them, some European players have even gone public, following the example of American giants like Blackrock, Blackstone, KKR, The Carlyle Group
All about Evergreen Private Equity Funds Evergreen fund, definition The term “evergreen” is commonly associated with the science and botany field since it refers to the resilient character of certain trees that retain their leaves in winter. However, in the Private Equity world, it refers to investment vehicles that have no predefined closing date.
What is the salary in Private Equity? Private equity attracts many finance graduates every year. Their interest in this profession is often justified by the diversity of the missions, the stimulating nature of the investment process and also the prospect of an attractive salary. In this article, we have explored this last point in order
What is Dry Powder? What is its impact on valuation levels? In the 2022 edition of its annual global private equity report, Bain looks back at a Dry Powder that has increased for the seventh consecutive year. While it was only $1.4 trillion in 2014, by the end of 2021, it stands at $3.4 trillion
How can you secure an internship in Private Equity when coming from a non-target school? Today, we are sharing the story of a Private Equity intern at Ardian in Paris. He discussed how he prepared for the interviews and ultimately secured his internship despite coming from Audencia, a non-target business school. Can you tell